Transportation Registration Deadline Approaching

Register before Aug. 1 to ensure service on the first day of school. Registrations received after Aug. 1 may not be processed until after Sept. 18 and will experience delays of two to three weeks before they can ride the bus.

Learn more.Learn more.

Child Development Advisor

My role is to assist students with social, emotional and behavioural needs throughout the school year. I work with all the staff, students, parents and many different outside agencies. This connection with others helps to ensure the needs of all learners are being met.

Welcome to the 2023/2024 school year!  I would like to take this opportunity to re-acquaint you with my role in the school.  As a Child Development Advisor (CDA) I am here to enhance the social, emotional, and behavioural development of students. The CDA role is designed to provide proactive programs as well as interventions with issues that may need some support.

I provide support to students in and out of the classroom, individually or in group settings. Some of the topics I work with the students on are study skills, organization skills, friendship skills, relationship building, problem solving skills, assertiveness/increasing self esteem, anxiety/stress, grief due to loss or death, social skills, transitioning through separation/divorce, bully proofing/interventions, coping skills, anger management, self esteem support and family support referrals. Also, I am involved with running the Grandparent Program, Chess Club, Intramural/Sports Club, Fun Friends, Circle Of Courage Program, Equine Assisted Learning, Teen Mentoring with Big Brothers and Big Sisters, Rainbow Program (dealing with different types of loss and unknown transitions in life), Games Day Coordinator and the Big Brothers Big Sisters of Calgary and area Individual Mentoring Program at Westbrook School. I also help families link to outside agencies as needed to support their child.  If there are any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me at the school.

Referral Process for CDA Involvement:

  1. Self-referral
  2. Parent referral
  3. Teacher referral
  4. Administration/CDA referral

If you would like to find out more about my role, the programs I am involved with, or how I can best provide support for your child at Westbrook feel free to call me at the school or stop by my office when you’re at the school.

Jona Kondrat   403-932-5443 or RVS email

Friends for Life

“Empowering students to be resilient for life!”

Tips for Parents

Information on skills and strategies to assist parents in supporting their children and youth in the home.

Frequently Asked Questions

These are questions we have been frequently asked, if you would like more information please call our CDA.

What we find in education today is that students are increasingly unable to deal with the pressures of life.  For whatever reason tools for dealing with anxiety and pressure are lacking and life seems to overwhelm our students.  Some experts tell us it is due to increased pressure in expectations with curriculum, knowledge overload, communication overload, technology overload, society pressures etc.  Our hope in using the program once a week is to give tools for students to deal with expectations put upon them in their life.  Student pressures are not decreasing, they are increasing, education is not the same as it was 15 years ago.  Our hope here is to build resiliency.

Our goal is not to create more anxiety, students can certainly opt out in answering questions.  We call this a "pass" when called upon in sharing sessions.

When a school uses culture programs such as this, often the activities will ask students to share about their lives, encourage each other, and talk about struggles they may or may not be facing.  This program is not a counseling program. This is a school based culture initiative aimed at providing students with tools for a successful life.  Sometimes students may choose not to talk, but to observe and reflect on classroom discussions.  Some students will react to what is said in class with distaste, others with apathy, and others in agreement.  With any of these reactions it is a great starting point for discussions at home.   Keep in mind it is about the discussion, asking questions simply reveals thoughts and emotions that are already present.  Helping our children understand and learn how to interpret and deal with emotions is the journey.

No, programs like this have been used for years.  Safe and Caring initiatives are part of our school mandate.  All of them support various aspects of student growth and development and this one is no different.

If you have other questions you would like to see on this page, please send them to Westbrook School.  Thank you.

Land Acknowledgment

Rocky View Schools would like to acknowledge the land and recognize all the Indigenous Peoples whose footprints have marked these lands from time immemorial. Together, we can learn and honour the Ways of Knowing of Indigenous Peoples for all future generations.